Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Busy, busy, busy- 1 week to go...

Super Guyana!
It is with great excitement that I can blog today and say that we only have to wait one more week before our Guyana GOLD adventure truly begins! We are all super excited :D 

We had a phone conference last night to discuss the final details of our plans- this included "the bed timetable" (a very important detailed plan put together by Jess of where we will be sleeping and when), who will be coming to pick us up from the airport when we land in Georgetown, where we will be staying etc. etc.  We also discussed packing (how much stuff is enough and how it will all fit, is a concern shared by some members of the team!), our itinerary (which is looking very busy but really fun) and all of those last minute worries/ excitements. 

 Badges/ badge sales were also agenda. Team Guyana GOLD 2013 would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has already bought badges! Your response and support has been incredible; at the moment we have sold 1,282!

 We do still however have more badges to sell. If you order as soon as possible (before the end of this week) we will endeavour to get orders to you before we go away. If this is not possible, you can still order and we will send the badges to you on our return. Depending on the number of badges we have left, you should still be able to order badges in August/ September (so don't panic :) ) . We will keep you posted. 
We all have a lot to do before we go, but after an inspirational pep talk from Jess, we are feeling really enthusiastic and ready for the adventure. Fingers and toes are crossed that everything will come together beautifully ready for project :) 


Miriam x


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