In the morning Deborah and Amelia washed a mountain of clothes and consequently had to be very creative with peg use and line space when hanging it all out to dry. The rest of the team sat and chatted in the garden; it was really lovely because the sun was shining and the hummingbirds were out.
After a quick breakfast we called a taxi to take us to Girlguiding HQ to pick up our dresses. We were all super excited to get them. Unfortunately we had to wait for about an hour and a half for the seamstress to arrive. We were entertained whilst sat in HQ by a wedding being set up. There was some confusion as to whether we were guests or in the wrong place. We found it really interesting that the men were setting up and decorating the room. They were all fairly friendly, so we didn't really mind waiting so long.
Finally the seamstress arrived and gave us our dresses. They are all really beautiful and we look forward to wearing them at our GOLD debrief weekend in September. We then had to do a quick dash back to Foreshaw Street because we had been invited to a meal with Maria, our next door neighbour, Mrs P and Sherine and Oswin (who live in the apartments opposite).
We set the table outside in the garden and found all the plates, bowls, cups and cutlery we could in Mrs P's house. Maria had produced an amazing spread of Guyanese food, including avocado, eddoe, turkey in tamarind sauce and chow mien, and it was lovely to sit down, chat and share a meal together. We learnt all sorts of interesting things about our neighbours and had a really good laugh. We provided juice and jelly.
After doing the washing up we only had to wait a short while until Berle came to evaluate with us. We were really pleased she could come and spend some time talking about the good and bad bits of the project this year and how it can be improved for next year. We spent more than an hour talking about project but finished just time to get ready to go out with some of the girls that we met in our time here.
We went to a Chinese restaurant and met Felicity, Keri and Erin there (although they were a little late). Berle came too. We ate a lot and shared memories from project this year. Most of them caused a lot of laughter! The food was really amazing too and we ate a lot. It was really sad to say goodbye to them all when we had to leave but we have promised to stay in touch by Facebook and email.
We got back to Foreshaw quite late and did our final trash and treasure session of the project- another emotional moment. We have really become a family whilst we have been in Guyana and there is a lot of GOLD love between us.
This morning we were all up super early- about 5 am to be precise. But nobody minded because it is Bec's birthday today!!!!!! We had cake with candles and presents and cards and it was awesome :D Miriam and Jess were very efficient candle lighters but unfortunately were stumped by the fan blowing them all out twice- sad times :(
Thank you for following our blog. We really hope you have enjoyed reading about our adventures.
For the last time...
Lots and lots of GOLD love
Team Guyana 2013
What a fab time you have all had, and what memories. I am sure that you will have made a huge impact onall the girls you came across while doing GOLD. You will never forget this precious time you have had together. Well done!! Now go back to your units and enthuse others. Judith xx
ReplyDeleteLoved reading your blog girlies. I can't believe 4th year of GOLD Guyana is over. It's been great living all the Guyana GOLD love through your blog. It seems like no time since we were selecting you as a team at INTOPS last year.
ReplyDeleteAs Judith says, use your experience back at home, you will never forget your time on project!
Have fun on your travels and I look forward to getting the call to say Miriam and Jess are back in the UK.
Enjoy debrief next month and I hope you might do a blog for us then :)