Church was a bit of a bizarre experience. It was very loud and hot because there were about 400 people crammed into a very small hall. We enjoyed some energetic singing, interesting interpretive dance by people dressed up as the Holy Spirit, a marching band and steel pan playing. There was also a lot of praying and a very very long sermon. In all the service lasted 3 and a half hours but everyone was really friendly and welcoming. During the service it rained a lot and we were a bit concerned about the water pouring through the roof. But, the Pastor took it all in his stride and told anyone that was getting wet to move immediately. Clare and Miriam were more concerned about the potential of another flood back at Mrs Ps.
It turned out that there was enough rain to cause a flood back at Foreshaw Street and the church party arrived back to find Bec and Jess stranded on the patio because they were surrounded by about 3 inches of water. The downstairs has flooded a little but it is not as bad as it has been. Bec, Jess, Deborah and Amelia had a very lazy morning doing washing and reading after a long lie in. We all then sat down to have a late brunch of eggy bread made by Amelia and Miriam. Miriam has convinced everyone that the best thing to have on eggy bread is sugar- sounds weird, but is very tasty!
After brunch we all got our things ready to go swimming at a little hotel just 10 minutes down the road. Although it has been raining it is still fairly hot so when we arrived we all jumped in with great enthusiasm. It was lovely to swim, relax and chat. Some of us had a little sleep when we got out, and others read their books or played cards.
After a lovely afternoon we were all feeling very hungry because we only really had brunch today. Because it was a day off we had an allocated meal out, which we all chose to be takeaway pizza. We ate in the garden and it was a really nice. However, we were a little bit sad because the ladies at the pizza shop said that they had no pie for sale- sad times :(.
We are going to watch a film now and then get an early night. We have an incredibly busy day tomorrow because we have to do a lot of shopping and prep for camp. We are all looking forward to it!
Team Guyana
Sounds like you have had a nice relax before your camp. Hope everything goes okay. Enjoying reading all that you have done. Judith xx